Pandemic opens door to solving homelessness

Among the train wreck of this ongoing pandemic, some positive news just emerged. Public support for ending homelessness is larger than ever and concrete action is taken to end rough sleeping – forever. We take a look at what initiatives and support is driving the change,
Our brains in lockdown

Learning to live through a pandemic was never going to be easy. With millions experiencing poor mental health, many have also reported feeling forgetful. What is happening to our memory and where is this Groundhog Day feeling coming from?
Stop locking up 10-year-olds in prison

Every year, in Australia, kids as young as 10 are arrested, held in police cells, hauled before the courts and locked up behind bars. The vast majority are indigenous children. Next week, lawmakers will review a proposal by advocacy groups to raise the legal age to 14. Here’s how you can help…
Pandemic disrupting coffee supply

Coronavirus is disrupting the global coffee supply. While farmers in rural South America manage to continue operations, political upheaval (think Brazil) and the closing down of cafes in Australia is causing many to worry for their future. When we next appear out of lockdown, our morning routine may be completely changed.
Why JobSeeker is a keeper

Ever tried living on $40 per day? Yes, that includes your bills, housing and food. Most of us would run out before breakfast, let alone make it through the day. Next week, the government will announce its plans for JobSeeker. Here’s why it mustn’t be reverted to Newstart levels.
Disadvantage a huge problem

The gap between rich and poor is very wide in Sydney, but there’s more than disadvantage than a lack of money. Much of Queensland struggles with educational disadvantage while regional NSW and Victoria are both more disadvantaged when it comes to health. Where are the most disadvantaged parts of Australia?
1.4 million Australians going hungry

Charities are reporting a record 1.4 million Australians are relying on food banks to get through the pandemic. If these numbers aren’t yet sobering enough, there are further fears that charities will be overwhelmed come September when JobKeeper is due to finish.
ABC funding cuts a threat to democracy

At the height of the coronavirus emergency and on the back of devastating bushfires, Australia’s much awarded and trusted national broadcaster has again been forced to make major cuts to staff, services and programs. Here’s why that is really bad news.
Closing the education gap for good

After long weeks of remote schooling, students across Australia are finally back at school. While parents are celebrating, teachers are scrambling to assess who surged ahead during the shutdown, and who stagnated.
Looking for a brighter future

The pandemic is spreading at an alarming rate in developing countries, its leaders facing the now familiar juggling act of public health and the economy. But with many governments unable or unwilling to boost health services or tackle poverty, a real crisis is starting to form. Where to for the poverty stricken?